




Mein Wagen

Die Tour



Der Anfang






Now i am traveling since over 8 Month, I leaved Germany vor a long time and crossed Tschech. I have seen a lot and on my Website stands by whereabouts up to this time Düsseldorf. I think it´s time to change this. Because this her a short report ofer the beginning of my journie ofer the things that will hapend in Germany.

The Start was in the middel of Feburary as I drive with my car in a shop

to make him ok for the journie. Here I changed any oils, my fan belts and Brackfluid. I fights ageinst rust, grease the car, cheked the tappet clearence, repair my exhaust and mack a lot of other smal Repairings and servicings. Wile I do this my dog plays with Rudie the dog from there.

A big help by this workings was me the Internet. I often sit dirty in front of my PC and asked at diferent Websits for help.

In March I startet my car to driving to the Technical control Board wich tell my car to realiabel without any troubles. Now I could already start. I drive back to the smal wagenplace for a last time to say my new (old) Friends godby.

Here I had a very good time withe Peopel who think the same than I. At this place best thanks to Hans who arranged me the place and to the other peopel woh live ther for the good time we had togehter in ouer cars. A big thanks also to Heinrich the owener of this place who lat me work hier without paying.

From this Place I drove back to one of "my car park´s" in my hometown Ratingen.

Here I said goodby to my parrents and at the next morning I start treveling. My first Night "on the road" I styed only 15 km away from my home town in Mettman here I locked a Video with a frind bevor I allredy started. Besids her I have to locked my wehl screws.

At469270 km

I started. Up to Olpe I used the Motorway. First the A3 to Cologne and from there farer the A4 to Olpe. From there I follow the good knowing Way to Winterberg (I drove this way often, it´s the shortest way from my home to snow :-). A few km bevor Winterberg I used a car park and stayd ther for a few days.

At long walks with my dog I rememberd in what way I want to drive farer. I seal myself of to be know what I do. So I find it good that my Mobil Phone here dosent work. Late in the Night I go out of my car to go for a pee.From the Street I heard a cough. Courius I locked what or who ther cought. It was Dennis (was this realy his name?) who was very drunken on the way home from a party. I invite him vor a Glas of wine.

So Dennis (or what ever your name is) now is your Picture online I make you a promise but it has ben take long. Sorry! After 2 or 3 days on this car park me touched any snow. Fast I startet my engine to drive on the Kahler Asten. If the snow stayd on earth then here at the highest point of the Sauerland and realy, at the next morningt ther were a few cm snow in front of my car.

I made wonderful walking tours trugh this snowy winterlandscape and tock many of pictures.

Who is intrest at, Here I have made a Slideshow "Walking Tours in the Winterberger snow". With the days I stayd here the snow bekomms to my joy more and mor. A probleme becoms tihs firs to this time at it begans to thaw and I want to drive away.

Who I get out here you can loock at this Link. As I was redy to take the snow away I drive the few km to the Caravan car park in Winterberg.

Because the Wind stands here at my stovepipe I had to improvise. I ask my wich stupid ashole this Fucking socket has invanted. Nobody has a adpter for this and you must build somthing extremely dangerous.

If you want to have 230 Volt and because this I drive to this point. Because this and to get new Water and dispose my old Water.

By best wetter i drive farer to the Edersee. Have I yesterday troubelful dig out me of snow. So drive I today sleevles the sun ageinst. My engin maks trustful sounds, the streets were smal and winding my radio plays Scorpiens and Guns´n Roses and I feel me realy free. Is it the first time I get terain I have never seen bevor. Up to this Time I have known anything. I take a car park on the north side of the See an made it me komfortable.

Also here I go in big walking tours discover the terain.

Worth a trip is the castle Waldeck. From here you have a wunderful view over the see.

Unfortunately it becoms dark so that the Picture is not so god. At the morning from my last day here at the see I wock up from the nocking of a cop. He recognize the state of affairs and means to me I shold drive to Kassel ther is a wagen place wich my car tock god inside. This idea I dident find stupid because I had much time for my self and remembering and a bit of society is realy good for me. Because of this I tock the corectly addres from the Website and start my car to visit Kassel. So unannounced I cam I met with a friendly reception and they showed me a nice space for parking. I stayd 3 days in Kassel and vorgot to make only one picture from this lokation.

Becuse I licked the society at Wagenplaces I loocked in Internet for all places like this wich lay on my way to Est. Therefore was my next destination Erfurt. Also here I stand unannounced for the door. And also here I met with friendly reception. A Punk with red Iro opens me the door and offer me a beer wich I first refuse and just drrunk after I parked my car at his definiti space. The Erfurther Wagenplatz is on the squatet area from the former Töpfe und Söhne area. A companie wich build in the Third Reich the ovens for Auschwitz and the near Buchenwald. To this subjekt build the squaters a smal website under and I want to give them a link here.

Today the old Industrieal area is used by Graffiti artists as space for practice. A chance which I used to asked some of them, wich colered her one picture white to make a new one, if they have intrest to couler my car. They licked this idea and begin to work in nearly the same moment.

As they were redy after one weack my car loocks so:

I was with the result mor than content and realy proud at my smal driving inhabit work of art. Thee people wich made this have also a smal Website and I promised to set a link and I feel indebted to them. Also here:

I stayd two weacks in Erfurt and had a lot of fun there with realy nice people. I was present at the six Jears squatet Party to wich I accidentel be on time there. A realy great Party with live Bands and home kino on wich I drink my last beer at 8 in the morning
to colaps a few minuts later and sleep on the hard concrete flor. It were only a few steps to my soft bed but I was not abel to go them. Also from this Party and the belonging Fireshow I made many pictures wich I build to a Slideshow.

After Monday noon as I had slepd out my drunkenness I started my car to travel a bit farer. My first stop was at the KZ memorial Buchenwald. But Policeman drive me away because my dog without lead. As I told this the owner from the nex wagenplatz I wont to go by a telephone call he said well put: " Oh Jesus in Buchenwald hapens far better bad things then a dog witout lead." It´s pity that I had not the idea to say this as the officers stayed in front of me. In stages of 3 days I traveld to Böhlen. There I stand in front of a wagenplatz without any humens and I feel me pulled. I decide to stay at a near Supermarkt parkside and wait what happens more. I send a SMS withe the subjekt: "I´m here now" and get answer late in the night with a invitation to breackfast. What here started so disappointed became a few realy great days with barbecue

and many great talks. My dog made acquaintance withe realy defence geese

and found it not funny that this animals bite here. Here I can use the to the place belonging washing machine and fill up my water.

Withe this tractor (6km/h) become the wagons from Hamburg to Böhlen (near Leipzig). This must be an adventuer.

So now I have only one person here in Germany I want to visit. A frien from an Internet chatroom. This friend told me he lives in Zwickau. Also I drive near this town to spend there the night. Via MSN I get in kontackt to him to get his exactly destination. The town he lives wasent Zwickau it was a smal village a few km behind. At the next day I started my enging to drive to the meating Point. My Friend showes me withe his bicycle a wonderful parkside near to him but in the middel of the forest.

Also here I stayd a few days. At the days I made wonderful walking tours throug the Erzgebierge and in the evenings I liked it to be not allone. Late in the night I drive withe my Bicycle to the 4 near Supermarkets to look for food in their dubstins. So I get my food since Kassel this relieve my büget much. I had never Hunger by doing this but here I have much more than I need. The things you see at my kitschen are the result of one houer and 10km bicycle tour.

Similar quantity I found here every day. As my provisions were full and I had preserve over 90 tins withe Cheese, vegetable and meat I decide to start again and leave the land. For thad purpose I drive to the near Schwarzenberg sleepd there at a Supermarkt parkside to bring back my in foreign countries worthless returnabel bottels at the next day. From there I want to travel over the near border Oberwiesentahl to Tschech. In the Night I turn a last rond to my meanwhile good knowing Supermarkets. On this way I meat a jung man. He had a dog in the same way like me withe him and attempt desperate to cach him. I cold to him: "It´s ok they can play." Apparent he heard that I´m not from here and asked me what I do here. I told him that I´m on a world trip with my motor home. At the same moment he invite me to stay a few days at the squat house were he and a few friends lives. Squatet House? Something like Erfurth? I flolowed him by food to have a loock from what he speack. As I saw the House and the smal wagenplatz behind I changed my plans and drive at the next day not to Tschech but also the few km back to the Unanbeatbar.

Here I used the weld maschien wich Thomas, how lives in a car too, bought for a short time to build a art Skulpter from old Mettal

to realice a old Ideea from me. I built a muscel powered Generator wich realy happens.

Stepp in pedals so that a lamp glews. A idea I postet in a Internet Forum to resolve the problem withe jobless people and I made me not realy friends with it. Now I am jobless by myself and I like the idee realy to replace the expensiv Petrol by a little bit early morning exercises. I liked the Idea not allone here and Thomas interrupt his work at the skulpter to build a yard door withe muscle power light.

From here I want to start many times. First a big rain, incidentlly the first I had since starting traveling, hamper me than a info day to the G8 summit conference than a concert I want to see. I stayed here 2 weeks and had a good time. Also from here I started to my nightly shoping tours but I give away the most because I was not abel to eat anything or to rest it. Finaly I decid to start checked a last time the oil from my engin and the air from the whels

to be a bit later in a diferent country with diferent lenguage.

But mor from this later.





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